- Ken Whiteman
- Kelly Taggert
- Crystal Pierce
Physical Education (Grades 7 & 8)
Credit Earned: 1/2
1. Proper dress 2. Stretching exercises 3. Physical fitness tests 4. Units taught - aerobics, archery, basketball, bowling, dance, flag football, floor hockey, gold, handball, indoor soccer, lacrosse, ping-pong, scooter-basketball, softball, tennis, track and field, volleyball, weight training, and wrestling.
Evaluation: Based on required attendance, dress, and participation on ability level in regard to mental, physical, and social aspects.
Physical Education (Grades 9-12)
Required: All enrolled students are required to take physical education for a minimum of 90 periods per year. All students must successfully complete the physical education requirement to graduate.
Credit Earned: 1/2 each year
All courses are co-ed 1) Proper dress 2) Stretching exercises 3) Physical fitness tests 4) Units taught - soccer, flag football, archery, scooterball, basketball, volleyball, softball, weight program, ping-pong, golf, tennis, soccer, gymnastics, track, and badminton 5) Written reports