

2024-25 Budget

May 21, 2024 Results

Proposition I - Budget - Passed
147 -59
2 blank ballots

Proposition II - 2 buses - Passed
6 blank ballots

Proposition III - Vehicle - Passed
1 blank ballot

Proposition IV - Capital Reserve - Passed
2 blank ballots

Proposition V - Technology Reserve - Passed
5 blank ballots

Total of 208 ballots

This year's budgeting process has presented significant challenges, primarily due to uncertainties stemming from the Governor’s budget cuts, including the possible removal of Hold Harmless and reductions in the inflation adjustment. These changes have made it difficult to forecast accurately and plan effectively. Despite these obstacles, our primary focus remains on prioritizing student programs and instructional needs.

One of the major factors affecting our budget is the possible decrease in foundation aid, which is directly tied to enrollment.  It's important to note that the foundation aid formula currently in use dates back to 2008, despite significant changes in enrollment patterns over the past sixteen years.  Historically, districts experiencing declines in enrollment have still received the same level of aid due to the Hold Harmless provision. If Hold Harmless was removed, our district would have faced a substantial cut in aid, totaling approximately $852,440. The Hold Harmless was left in the budget but moving forward the Governor states that the formula will be revisited and funding will be adjusted. Moving forward we will be planning long term with the anticipation of the change in foundation aid and will  monitor as we go based on information from the state.

In response to these financial challenges, we have made several difficult decisions to mitigate the impact on our budget:

  • Through attrition, we have chosen not to replace a maintenance position.

  • Due to low enrollment, we have cut two elementary teaching positions, resulting in adjustments to class sizes. Third grade will be one class due to the number of students and there will only be one PK class.  The PK class will be capped at 18 students. If there are more than 18 students we will then use a lottery system. 

  • We have reduced the number of Licensed Teaching Assistants (LTAs) by three positions.

  • Strategic decisions have been made regarding transportation, including trading a 6-year old 30-passenger bus for a 30-passenger bus, purchasing a 65-passenger bus, and purchasing a 7-passenger vehicle to support out-of-district transportation needs.

Changes to the Administrative, Program and Capital budget line: The Administrative line has increased due to two factors. First, the BOCES administrative budget increased $16,343 and second a portion of the elementary principal’s salary was under Title IIa grants.  The grant no longer allows for administrative salaries to be used under this grant. Therefore, the entire salary is now under the administrative  budget.  The Program budget increased due to salaries and increase of health insurance premiums.  The Capital budget decreased due to the change in the maintenance position.

To address the budget shortfall, we are proposing a tax levy increase of 2%. Additionally, we are utilizing Appropriated Fund Balance and reductions in positions to help bridge the gap. 

We deeply appreciate the ongoing support of our families and community members.  Your commitment to education and your dedication to our students are invaluable.  We are grateful to be part of a community where education is valued, and we remain committed to working together to ensure the success of our students and our school district.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to me directly. Your feedback and input are always welcome and appreciated.

Thank you for your continued partnership.  

TheriJo Snyder

2023-2024 BUDGET

While developing the 2023-24 budget we have taken into consideration the status of the economy, inflation, interest rates and have been sensitive to the financial and economic needs of our communities. We have focused on maintaining all student programs and using grants to create additional opportunities to fund academic supports, summer programs, and field trips.

However, this year multiple budget lines in the general budget have increased due to a rise in the costs of heating oil, gas, electric, health insurance premiums, contractual obligations and the overall cost of materials and supplies. With that being said, we have worked to keep our tax levy increase to a minimum.

  • We have two retirements: speech teacher, and Director of Special Education. The Director of Special Education position will no longer be an administrative position. The position will be Committee on Special Education Chairperson (CSE Chair).

  •  Included in the budget are programs to support tracking student data and benchmarks (Branching Minds), a district wide communication platform (ParentSquare), continuation of support of the Positivity Project .

  • The CARES Act (CRRSA and ARP grants) are continuing to assist in offsetting some long term spending such as STEM initiatives (LEGO Education), curriculum resources and trainings, art room tables, band instruments, field trips, classroom Digimaster system is a wireless system that helps students hear better in noisy situations and cardio equipment for the weight room.

  • We will be trading in two 7-year old buses; one 65-passenger wheelchair bus and one 30-passenger bus. We will be purchasing one 65-passenger bus and one 30-passenger bus with 2 wheelchair accommodations.

Looking long term we are in the middle of putting together our next Capital Project that will go out to vote next fall.  The project will include a new playground, new lockers in the secondary, replacing windows, parking lot and sidewalk replacement, and replacing doors at the bus garage. We have created a priority list from our 5 year building conditional survey and we are waiting to hear back regarding pricing. 

Thank you to our families and community for supporting our school and students. We are fortunate to live in an area where education is valued. We are looking forward to continuing  our partnership with you to make CVS the best it can be.  If you  have any questions please do not hesitate to call me at 607-264-9332,  ext. 501 or email me at [email protected].  

2022-2023 BUDGET

The development of the 2022-23 budget has been challenging due  to the recent changes in our economy. Throughout the process we have  been sensitive to the financial and economic needs of our communities. We have taken into consideration the Coronavirus Aid, Relief,  and Economic Security (CARES ACT) funds from the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) and  American Rescue Plan (ARP) grants. We have focused on maintaining  all student programs and using the grants to create additional opportunities such as enrichment and summer programs for students without  affecting the general budget. The last two years we have been able to remain at zero percent increases. 

However, this year multiple budget lines in the general budget have  increased due to an increase in health insurance premiums, Medicare  Part B reimbursements and negotiated contracts. In order to balance  the budget we will unfortunately need an increase in taxes. 

  • We have five retirements: one cafeteria worker (cook), one social  studies teacher, one math teacher, and two special education teachers. 

  •  Included in the budget is a distance learning room to receive and  transmit classes with other school districts. 

  • The CARES Act (CRRSA and ARP grants) are assisting in offsetting  some long term spending. 

  • The buses we are looking to purchase will replace one five-year lease  return and one seven-year old propane bus. We will no longer have  any propane buses in our fleet. 

  • We are also looking to purchase a seven passenger vehicle to replace  the seven-year old passenger van.  

  • The resolution pertaining to the local libraries requires the district  to collect an annual tax, year after year, separate and apart from  the annual school district budget, in the amount of $60,000, of  which $30,000 shall be paid to Cherry Valley Memorial Library  and $30,000 will be paid to Springfield Library for the support and  maintenance of the libraries. This proposition is not connected to  the school budget. By law we are required to honor this request and  include the proposition for the voters of the district. 

We have persevered through another school year with the pandemic.  Thank you to everyone for their patience and support. With everyone  working together we have been able to continue to support our students  both academically and emotionally. We are looking forward to moving  ahead and creating additional opportunities for our students. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me at 607-264-9332,  ext. 501 or email me at [email protected].  

 Budget Hearing 2022.pptx.pdf

2021-22 BUDGET

 We have been working diligently to maintain a budget that provides our students with the programs and opportunities necessary to receive a quality education. COVID-19 has certainly thrown a wrench into the planning as there were many times of uncertainty from Albany.  During the present school year we have been cautious in our spending and being aware of what is needed to keep our students, faculty and staff safe.

  • We have six retirements: one teacher aide, two maintenance workers, one bus driver, one secondary Social Studies teacher, and our interim elementary principal.

  • The buses we are purchasing will be replacing one 7-year old and one 8-year old propane buses.

  • All academic programs and extracurriculars will remain intact for our students.  It is our hope that we can return to some form of normalcy in September.

  • The Budget will continue to provide professional development for our teachers as we need to continue to address gaps from the spring 2020 remote learning period.


This school year has been unlike any other year.  There have been many obstacles, but working together we have persevered and provided our students with in-person instruction on a daily basis. Many things looked and felt different, yet the main goal of educating our students was always the top priority.


Thank you to our community for your ongoing support.  Our community values education and it shows by working together with the school to maintain consistency and a sound education. If you have any questions please feel free to call or email me at 607-264-9332, ext. 501 or [email protected].


2020-2021 BUDGET

Creating the budget has been challenging this year due to COVID 19. The financial ramifications of the pandemic could result in additional state aid cuts.  At the time of writing this Governor Cuomo has not released any state aid cuts.  He announced last month that there would be 4 review periods; April 30th, June 30th, December 31st and March 31st. During this time, depending on the economy he could make additional state aid cuts. Governor Cuomo has also stated that he is waiting for support from the Federal government.  This would tentatively be announced at the end of May. 

  • We have four retirements; one keyboard specialist, one teacher aide, one Licensed Teacher Aide (LTA), one secondary English teacher.

  • The buses we are purchasing will be replacing buses whose leases will expire at the end of this school year. 

  • The resolution pertaining to decreasing the number of board members refers to reducing from a seven person board to a five person board. Notice that this would not go into effect until the 2021-22 school year, not this upcoming school year.

Our overall goal in creating the budget is to provide programs and opportunities for our students. We are approaching the 2020-21 school year with the mindset that we will need to be cautious of our spending to make sure that our students continue to receive a quality education. 


You may not always hear it but I want to say thank you for being a part of our CVS family, and for your continued support of our students and school. It is times like this that living in a small community far outweighs living in an urban setting. We take care of each other and provide support when needed. Again, thank you.


If you have any questions please call or email Ms. Snyder at 607-264-9332, ext. 501 or [email protected]


District Office

TheriJo Snyder
607-264-9332  Ext. 501
Laura Carson
District Secretary
607-264-9332  Ext. 501
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